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Thank you to our Fall Volunteers

By esc, 11/08/16, 11:15AM CST


Thank you to all our Fall 2016 Recreational program volunteers.

We are lucky to have an amazing group of people who give up their time selflessly to support the program and the sport. The memories created and  fun experienced by our players would not be possible without each and every one of you!

Stefani Abdai
Michael Aschenbrener
Elizabeth Ayotte
George Baartmans
Larry Barksdale
Keith Blankenship
Kendrick Boardman
Deniz Caglar
Christopher Callero
Edward Connolly
John Cox
Andrea Croonborg
Vince Curttright
Nicholas Deignan
William Divane
Karl Dufer
Andrew Dwornik
Shaun Eck
Derek Eckman
Rob Elias
Jennifer Fabsik
David Finn
John Foreman
Daniel Franklin
Kevin Gallo
Christopher Gardner
Tim Grafrath
Jeff Groncki
David Haronik
Dan Hemler
Juan Herrera
Mark Hibner
Steve Hilton
Mark Howell
David Jenkins
David Jenkins
Nicholas Kincade
Stoyan Kovatchev
John Koziel
Justin Kyes
John Lane
Christopher  Lindberg
Anthony Loizzi
Daniel Losser
Colin Madine
David Madsen
Brian Madsen
Matt Messinger
Robert Miller
Kerri Murphy
Peter Nadeau
Eric Niemi
Eric Niemi
Derek Niepomnik
Erik Nordstrom
Kristin ONeill
Chris Pacini
Joshua Peterson
Daniel Quagliana
Lori Roscoe
Ryan Rubenstein
Chris Sachs
David Schmeltzer
Paul Sprau
Natalie Statdfield
Joshua Thompson
Ben Vander Wal
Lance Vondrak
James Weir
Daniel Whelan
Georgia Wiersma
Nicole Wits
Kevin Young
John Zachara
Puyo Zizich

Interested in Coaching?

We need YOU!    Don’t hesitate JUMP IN and volunteer at the next registration!  Our coaches who admit being hesitant at first enjoy the experience as much as our players.

Prior experience is not required as we have numerous resources to help. The club offers a coaches clinic at the beginning of the season and our professional coaching staff are always available to offer assistance. All our volunteer coaches are encouraged to take the US Soccer National F License online course. The club will reimburse the cost of this course!