Open Registration closes July 31st.
Waitlist registrations will be accepted for full divisions.
Age groups with openings will remain open until full.
The Recreational Program is overseen by the Director of Coaching.
LEAGUE - September 3rd - October 27th
Season opening games September 7th & 8th
SKILLS ACADEMY - Wednesdays September 4th - October 23rd
For players born Sept 1 2019 to Aug 31 2021
Designed to introduce the game of soccer, each weekly session begins with 30 minutes of instructional, fun drills taught by ESC staff in group form. Players then split in to their pre-assigned scrimmage teams with a volunteer coach for a 25 minute game. The games are played in a 4v4 format with no goalkeeper.
Season: September 8th to October 27th
Fee: $255 ($230 before 7/1/24)
For weekday skills sessions go to
For players born Sept 1 2010 to Aug 31 2019
Season: September 3rd - October 27th. Opening Games September 7th
Fee: $255 ($230 before 7/1/24)
New players to Ela Soccer Club will need to purchase a uniform $65. The uniform can be used for multiple seasons.
Current Competitive/Travel players are not permitted to participate in the Recreational program.
Team, gender and age combinations in any given season may vary based on registration to form developmentally appropriate leagues. We do our best to balance teams. Date of registration is considered for team formation decisions. Late registrants are placed on teams with openings . Specific team or friend requests are not taken. If there is a specific extenuating/carpool need we will do what we can to honor the request, however the request must be reciprocal. Both families must make the same request.
Players will not be moved from one team to another for practice time conflicts.
All head coaches receive a $30 credit at the end of the season for volunteering. If practice days and times are important please consider volunteering! If more parents volunteer to coach at an age level than there are teams, then not everyone will be able coach. If we are short coaches at an age level we will request volunteers come forward. If no one volunteers the team is disbanded and players spread out among other teams.
Ela Soccer Club has the right to change any of these rules or make a decision that would be in the best interest of the participants.
8 WEEKS - Wednesdays September 4th- October 27th
Sharpen your skills in a challenging but fun environment with our experienced coaching staff. Designed to foster skill improvement and build player confidence.
** SPACE IS LIMITED ** Registration will close when capacity is reached.
Time slots (55 min):
Players are divided by age & ability within the timeslot
If there is insufficient sign up at a timeslot Ela Soccer reserves the right to move participants to the alternate slot.
Fee: $140
All participants of ESC shall play in a league according to their grade.
A year is from Sept 1st through Aug 31st – encompassing the fall and spring outdoor season and the winter indoor season. No participant shall be allowed to play at a level below their age (play down) except in the case of extreme physical limitations. These exceptions need to be documented and approved prior to the season.
A participant requesting to play at an age level above his age (play up) can only do so by one of the following: